For three years, I have been concerned about the health of Gloria and Peter. The pain, suffering and the humiliation they have endured from elephantiasis has been awful!! Peter, age 30, has the worst case of the two, and is in advanced stages of his disease. His infection reaches from his feet to his waist. And Gloria, 14, has suffered for possibly 7-8 years and her infection is centered mainly on her feet.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
GLORIA and PETER get medical attention
For three years, I have been concerned about the health of Gloria and Peter. The pain, suffering and the humiliation they have endured from elephantiasis has been awful!! Peter, age 30, has the worst case of the two, and is in advanced stages of his disease. His infection reaches from his feet to his waist. And Gloria, 14, has suffered for possibly 7-8 years and her infection is centered mainly on her feet.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Dianne and I awoke from a restful night at Tooro Resort and were on our way to Kamwenge 1 1/2 hours later. We had all the gifts and supplies packed in the suitcases and were eagerly anticipating our arrival to the school. We both marveled at the beauty of the landscape in this area that is so deprived of life's most essential necessities. We saw so many people outside preparing for their simple daily life, albeit very difficult life--working in the fields, hauling water by hand or bicycle, preparing the morning meal, or just visiting with friends. As we neared the school, we turned down a very narrow, dirt 'road' and went just a short distance when we heard loud drumming and chanting! What was that?? We stopped the car and rolled down our windows to hear more clearly; THE CHILDREN WERE APPROACHING!! They literally marched toward us, flag raised, chanting and cheering their loving appreciative greeting for us. We all departed the car and joined the walk back to the school grounds as the kids continued to greet, touch, hug, sing and dance for joy as we walked along. I was chilled and thrilled to the bone to see such precious children all so excited to see these Mzungus who have come from so far away and have given them a new real school!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
We spent several hours yesterday shopping at a local shopping center. Much like a Walmart, on two floors with a large escalator that carried us and our shopping carts up and down!! Milton helped us choose appropriate gifts for our families-Nakasi Justine and Robinah. We gazed upon the goods displayed very much like our grocery stores with rows and rows of items to choose from. Items for cooking were first placed in our carts--bags of salt, sugar, rice, porridge mix, a large container of cookies, peanut butter and margarine, 2 loaves of bread, apples and oranges, then also, 2 kinds of bath soap, laundrysoap, bath towels, and back packs for school. It was just a glorious adventure for us to wander through the store, looking for treasures to bless these families who have so little. Each sale was approximately $80.00!! We knew that these gifts would be received with great appreciation!!
"We loved shopping for our families!"
Upon our arrival back to Herb and Ellen's we had to sort through our bags of gifts. We filled two suitcases and two trunks with all the gifts we were taking to Namyoya. It had really stormed through the night with downpours soaking the red earth--I was dreading the trip, knowing the roads might be treacherous. But, we loaded up our goods the next morning and took off. Scenes of familiarity passed me by as we made our way to Namyoya. I wondered to myself how people continue this day in and day out and realized how blessed we are to live in such comfort!!
"Seeing my family for the first time in 2 years!!" JOYOUS!!
We finally reached Nakasi's house and as I gazed out the rain drenched window of our van, I could see her scurrying around her property totally OUT OF CONTROL with excitement!! As I stepped out of the van, I was nearly tackled by her and the children and some neighboring women. I don't think I could ever tire of this 'homecoming'. Talk about feeling special!!! We proceeded into her dark home with only the light from one small window to illuminate the room. Hugging the children felt so good as each greeted me with special words of love. Sitting on mats on the floor, we began unpacking the gifts I had brought to them. As I handed the children clothes, each tried them on over their clothing. Mercy Anne had mostly pink clothes, Asiimwe Marvin, wore purple and Mutovu's shirts all displayed sports logos. I think they were pleased with my choices!! The toys were greatly appreciated, but it wasn't until I brought out the large black trunk and opened it that I really saw their eyes light up!!
"The kids loved their new dolls and soccer ball!"
Cookies, peanut butter, fresh bread, fruit--all food items that they rarely feasted on! Their eyes told the story!! Each took a turn smelling things and I'm sure they were anxious to try out all the new foods. How truly spoiled we Americans are with our numerous choices of foods--all generally affordable to us at any time of the year. Many of these food were only purchased at holidays IF it's gotten at all!!
I saved the biggest joy for the end of our time together. I had brought a small photo album of family photos of our reunion in 2009 and some current photos of John, Derek, Carleigh and me, plus other family members. I had written a letter also which was graciously translated by Milton and Jeffrey, community leader. I mentioned to them how sad John and I were that their home had become so unsafe and that it leaked when it rained. We wanted to bless them with a new brick home, complete with doors, glasses (windows) or wooden shutters, plus, steel corrugated roof. Nakasi and the children squealed with happiness and they proceeded to dance with joy with their friends. All were joyful as they praised God for their good fortune. I could hardly contain myself as I observed their surprise and excitement which would cost us so little in comparison to American homes. This new home will guarantee that the children will have a 'forever' home to call their own.
After a delicious dinner with Justine and Jeffrey, Dianne repeated the above activity with her family. It was equally exciting for me to watch from the sidelines as Robinah and her grandchildren received the blessings from Dianne.
Each of us spent about 1 1/2 hours with our families--not nearly as much time as we wanted, but it was time well-spent for us. We will see them tomorrow at church as look forward to hearing the message from Pastor David at his church. Our ride back to the Cook's house was filled with recounting the entire day, happy event by happy event! God certainly was working his wondrous ways today.