This will be my last post from Africa! Wow, my time here has gone by so quickly. It will be hard to leave these precious friends I have made. It was worth my time to come to Africa just to meet IDAH. How can I even begin to describe this incredible lady. She is the director of GFR in Uganda and she truly cares for the POOREST of the poor. She easily could have more than she does because she is quite a prominent citizen here; extremely well known and highly respected. But she chooses to 'walk among the poor' and do her business with the local people. She knows God's love is with the poor so that is where she focuses her attention. She is such an advocate for them and they know it. The lovingly call her MOMMY.
The Team 3 people have been wonderful. There are ups and downs whenever you throw "10 totally different" people together, but the bond that tied us together was our love for the Lord! It was my honor to develop a friendship with each of them. I wish Carleigh (and Derek) could have been here with me to meet 'my girls', Kaitlin, JJ, Ashley and Sarah!!! She would have loved them and fit right in!! And I know the girls would have loved Carleigh. Hopefully, they can all meet in the future. Each of these girls love the Lord and want to continue serving in Uganda in the near future!! Our fearless leaders, Renata and Silvia, did a wonderful job leading. Like I told Renata, it isn't easy "leading' because you are the one making tough decisions and others may not agree, but, someone has to be in charge. We did some incredible activities, all exhausting and exhilerating, and we had very competent leaders to thank!!! I found out pretty early in the trip that Michelle is from 'my neck of the woods' in Illinois. (Plymouth) She even knows where Warsaw and Basco are. This woman makes the most energetic missionary look lazy. Her mind is constantly in gear trying to figure out how she is going to raise her next $1,000 for some poor family!! It was my honor to share this time in Africa with Michelle. The men in our group varied in age, from 40-10!!! Peter and Allan proved to be a huge asset to our team. You have not heard prayer until you have heard Peter!!!! Plus, he was such a help to me while we spent the extra night in Nairobi at the airport. It was a scarey, intimidating experience, and I felt safe in Peter's presence. And ALAN was a good sport and part of my entertainment the entire trip. I never once heard him whine or complain about anything!!
And what can I say about my special missionary partner, Dianne!!!! This mission trip was made more special to me because of her. Dianne was crushed beyond words when she had to leave me in Nairobi with Peter. I could see her hurt in her eyes as we separated. Because I was the one who had initiated this trip through CCC, I knew she felt some discomfort leaving me at the airport (but I know it was a God thing) When we were finally reunited, I could feel and see her pain and love for me. That scene will forever play in my memory and I will cherish it. It was the most beautiful feeling to know the love that another frieind has for me. And that is the love that our Lord has for each of us. HE cries when we are hurting and smiles when we are joyful. Thank you, Dianne, for spending 2 weeks with me, doing God's work in Uganda. You made this trip fun, memorable and worth it!! PINCH ME, DIANNE!!! WE'RE REALLY IN UGANDA!!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Sunday, July 13, 2008
In the jungle, the mighty jungle..
THERE ARE NO GOOD ROADS IN ALL OF UGANDA!!! We left Kampala at 5:00am to head to the Paraa Lodge for the safari. Even though most of us didn't have enough sleep the night before, it was next to impossible to try to 'catch up' on our rest!! I 'lion napped' for the first hour and then just gave up! We drove for about 6 hours through rough, rugged roads, admiring the changing landscapes as we went! The Murchison Falls was first on the agenda and what a breathtaking view that was. All of the Nile River flows together at this one point and then flows on northward. It really was a gorgeous view--plus the weather was fantastic!! We took many photos and prayed that none of us would get too close to the edge!!
After another long drive, we arrived at the Nile River edge where we waited for the ferry to take us across to Paraa Lodge. I hadn't been on a ferry for years when I used to cross the Mississippi River at Meyer, IL, with Mom and Dad. We were greeted by several huge elephants who were drinking water. Mama and baby seemed quite calm but we stayed our distance. We had a very informative guide, Sarah, who joined us for the safari and we headed off in our trusted bus. There were many beautiful specimens to see-elephants, deer of all kinds, water buffalo and many giraffe. Giraffes have always been my childhood favorites so I was most excited to see them. Dianne spotted them first, seeing their heads sticking out from a distance. Unless you have a scope, the pictures are that great, but we did manage to get a few photos--enough to prove to my family that I really was there! I have to admit that Dianne and I are both pinching ourselves to remind us where God has sent us!!! The beauty of this country is abundant; in the people as well as the animals. We are so fortunate that we responded to this call in our hearts to leave the comforts of our home in Illinois to experience this creation!! It will be hard to leave. We may physically leave, but part of our heart will stay with Uganda!!!
Speaking of leaving, I am uncertain as to my departure date. Possibly as early as Tuesday, but possibly the 20th. We'll be checking with the airlines tomorrow. I miss everyone at home. Later!!! God bless!!
After another long drive, we arrived at the Nile River edge where we waited for the ferry to take us across to Paraa Lodge. I hadn't been on a ferry for years when I used to cross the Mississippi River at Meyer, IL, with Mom and Dad. We were greeted by several huge elephants who were drinking water. Mama and baby seemed quite calm but we stayed our distance. We had a very informative guide, Sarah, who joined us for the safari and we headed off in our trusted bus. There were many beautiful specimens to see-elephants, deer of all kinds, water buffalo and many giraffe. Giraffes have always been my childhood favorites so I was most excited to see them. Dianne spotted them first, seeing their heads sticking out from a distance. Unless you have a scope, the pictures are that great, but we did manage to get a few photos--enough to prove to my family that I really was there! I have to admit that Dianne and I are both pinching ourselves to remind us where God has sent us!!! The beauty of this country is abundant; in the people as well as the animals. We are so fortunate that we responded to this call in our hearts to leave the comforts of our home in Illinois to experience this creation!! It will be hard to leave. We may physically leave, but part of our heart will stay with Uganda!!!
Speaking of leaving, I am uncertain as to my departure date. Possibly as early as Tuesday, but possibly the 20th. We'll be checking with the airlines tomorrow. I miss everyone at home. Later!!! God bless!!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
This is my second attempt at this blog. We're in Uganda and things don't always go as smoothly as anticipated. Yesterday, we had an amazing time meeting God's people here in Kampala's neighborhoods!!! Cissy was our first stop. Many of you know her already. She is the lady who was beaten by her ex-husband and she became blind. I had the honor to present her with money that had been given to me by Trevor, Riley and Liza Buhr. Cissy kept saying 'Praise God'. She will buy healthy food for her THREE children who don't often eat well.
Our next stop was to a family of 3 children who are orphaned. Their drunken father has often threatened the children and wants to take their money from their sponsored family. They are afraid of him. The twelve year old girl is 'the head of the household' which is unconscionable to me. A very kind neighbor lady, Mary, has become their official caregiver. Mary has her own unbelievable set of circumstances and it's quite a selfless act for her to raise these children. Mary is quite 'entrepreneurial' as she makes plans to install a tank to collect water to sell for income (in addition to her tiny restaurant!!) I'm awed at these incredible women!!!
Our final visit yesterday was to an elderly woman who is also raising orphaned grandchildren. She lost her home to a severe thunderstorm last NOVEMBER and they have not be able to repair it. She is hoping for a sponsor. She is destitute but is confident God will send her the money for the repairs. She is the sole worker on this major project. Having an immediate need for nails, Dianne and I combined our money and gave it to her. Kissing and hugging like you've never seen proceeded!!! What a small gesture that was appreciated so much!!!
TODAY was amazing for me!!! We visited Namyoya and the church. We provided a clinic for the children and women which I participated in, cleaning wounds etc. But later, I decided to take our vaseline and wipe the legs and feet of the women. THEY WERE SO EXCITED!! They were lining up on the ground just waiting for me to get to them with my gloved hands. Each thanked me in their own language, except for a few who knew some English, "Thank you, mama" It was a humbling act that nearly brought me to tears as I rubbed their sore, callused, swollen, cracked dirty feet. GOD is so good!! I love these precious people so much. They are so appreciative of everything. Later, JJ and I entertained them with dance and song and we all laughed together!! I wouldn't have missed this trip for all the tea in Uganda!!!! And I wouldn't trade this mission for a sunny day on a beach in Hawai'i. It's what God has planned for me. God bless each one of you!!!!
Our next stop was to a family of 3 children who are orphaned. Their drunken father has often threatened the children and wants to take their money from their sponsored family. They are afraid of him. The twelve year old girl is 'the head of the household' which is unconscionable to me. A very kind neighbor lady, Mary, has become their official caregiver. Mary has her own unbelievable set of circumstances and it's quite a selfless act for her to raise these children. Mary is quite 'entrepreneurial' as she makes plans to install a tank to collect water to sell for income (in addition to her tiny restaurant!!) I'm awed at these incredible women!!!
Our final visit yesterday was to an elderly woman who is also raising orphaned grandchildren. She lost her home to a severe thunderstorm last NOVEMBER and they have not be able to repair it. She is hoping for a sponsor. She is destitute but is confident God will send her the money for the repairs. She is the sole worker on this major project. Having an immediate need for nails, Dianne and I combined our money and gave it to her. Kissing and hugging like you've never seen proceeded!!! What a small gesture that was appreciated so much!!!
TODAY was amazing for me!!! We visited Namyoya and the church. We provided a clinic for the children and women which I participated in, cleaning wounds etc. But later, I decided to take our vaseline and wipe the legs and feet of the women. THEY WERE SO EXCITED!! They were lining up on the ground just waiting for me to get to them with my gloved hands. Each thanked me in their own language, except for a few who knew some English, "Thank you, mama" It was a humbling act that nearly brought me to tears as I rubbed their sore, callused, swollen, cracked dirty feet. GOD is so good!! I love these precious people so much. They are so appreciative of everything. Later, JJ and I entertained them with dance and song and we all laughed together!! I wouldn't have missed this trip for all the tea in Uganda!!!! And I wouldn't trade this mission for a sunny day on a beach in Hawai'i. It's what God has planned for me. God bless each one of you!!!!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
I haven't had any time to blog because we have been out visiting the various villages outside of Kampala. What an AMAZING 2 days this has been. (The drive there has been another type of experience altogether!!!!---THINK HEART ATTACK!! We have been greeted by the children and women at each stop and made to feel so important. It's interesting that we have come to bless them, and yet, we have been overwhelmed by their LOVE and AFFECTION. Each child and woman are beautiful beyond words, big eyes and smiles that brighten even the brightest African day!! There are so many needs that I am excited to brainstorm with others on how to earn extra money. I was most excited to meet a few special needs children. Those children would have been my students had I been a teacher in Uganda!!! I'm already thinking how I can help Antwon get the wheelchair he will obviously need in a few years. SOOOOOOO, I have that to think about.
Dianne and I were given LOTS of money by First Presbyterian Church mission committee and various friends. We have had numerous opportunities to bless some very ill and needy people. One young man in particular is Joseph, 18, who has elephantitis (sp??) and it has affected his genitalia. He is extremely embarrassed about his condition and doesn't want to go out in public. We have given him medicine and others will help him with surgery in the near future. Idah, GFR Uganda Director, has helped us purchase boxes and boxes of medicine which we had delivered to the poorest of the poor. HOW HUMBLING IT IS TO KNOW THAT WE ARE IMPACTING THE LIVES OF THESE PEOPLE. There were so many more that we couldn't help.
On a different topic, we saw the baboons!! What a hoot!! They literally 'patrol' the road we were on and 'raided' the bus!! The DO NOT FEED THE ANIMALS sign must not have been meant for us, because they quickly devoured bananas during their photo shoot!!!
Well, we more great challenges ahead for the weekend. I'll write again whenever I have the opportunity. Sorry for the long blog!!
Dianne and I were given LOTS of money by First Presbyterian Church mission committee and various friends. We have had numerous opportunities to bless some very ill and needy people. One young man in particular is Joseph, 18, who has elephantitis (sp??) and it has affected his genitalia. He is extremely embarrassed about his condition and doesn't want to go out in public. We have given him medicine and others will help him with surgery in the near future. Idah, GFR Uganda Director, has helped us purchase boxes and boxes of medicine which we had delivered to the poorest of the poor. HOW HUMBLING IT IS TO KNOW THAT WE ARE IMPACTING THE LIVES OF THESE PEOPLE. There were so many more that we couldn't help.
On a different topic, we saw the baboons!! What a hoot!! They literally 'patrol' the road we were on and 'raided' the bus!! The DO NOT FEED THE ANIMALS sign must not have been meant for us, because they quickly devoured bananas during their photo shoot!!!
Well, we more great challenges ahead for the weekend. I'll write again whenever I have the opportunity. Sorry for the long blog!!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
It's now July 7th and I have just arrived in Africa. Iit's an incredibly unbelievable story of challenging events. Our team of 7 arrived in 3 groups and of course, I was in the last group. I slept in airports for 3 nights and was lied to by Kenya Airlines for 3 days. Peter and I ended up taking Qatar Airlines from London to Nairobi and then Kenya Airlines from Nairobi to Entebbe. I was on the verge of tears the last day because of all the frustrations!! BUT GOD WAS GOOD THROUGH IT ALL. I did meet several wonderful people while in the airports who were Christians and I was encouraged by that. I tried to keep things in perspective because my circumstances were so insignificant to many others circumstances. I have a dear friend who is recovering from Stage 3 colon cancer surgery. Now, that is something to be concerned about. My 'problem' is very minimal to what he is experiencing.
ANYWAY, I have already met my precious sponsored family, Nakasi Justine and her three grandchildren. It was such an emotional meeting. We cried so much. I had written her a letter and Jerome translated it for her. She was pleased but the feeling I had was indescribable. To be involved first hand in the lives of a family suffering from the affects of AIDS, was such an incredible feeling. I proceeded in giving Nakasi and the children the gifts I had brought them. They seemed to appreciate everything. I realized they had no beds in their TINY home so the blankets I brought will be helpful on the cold evenings. Even though I wasn't sure about sizes of clothes, all I brought can be shared with neighbors if they don't fit. Toys, bubbles, balloons, etc. will be enjoyed by the kids and neighbors. Later, Nakasi Justine gave me gifts!!!! I am p leased to say that I am the proud owner of a rooster we have named TACO!! What a beauty!! I'm sure Dottie and Precious will be confused about their new 'cousin'! Nakasi Justine had also made a beautiful mat made of reeds. I was so touched!!! Following the gift giving, I was taken on a tour of the 'backyard' where I saw the graves of her 5 children, a small garden, the goats that our sponsorship money had purchased, as well as the roof that she will fix in the future. Time was short so we had to move on to the next family, but Nakasi Justine knows that our family will be praying for her and the children and that they are now part of our lives forever. All the headaches of the previous 3 days were all worth it just to meet 'MY AFRICAN FAMILY'!!! I'll try to write again later.
Because I arrived here 3 days late, I'm considering staying longer. I have talked to John and he suggested it. I am so blessed to have such a caring family!! Derek, Carleigh and John have been such strong supporters for me during my airport ordeal. Thanks for the prayers!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL AND MISS YOU!!!!!
ANYWAY, I have already met my precious sponsored family, Nakasi Justine and her three grandchildren. It was such an emotional meeting. We cried so much. I had written her a letter and Jerome translated it for her. She was pleased but the feeling I had was indescribable. To be involved first hand in the lives of a family suffering from the affects of AIDS, was such an incredible feeling. I proceeded in giving Nakasi and the children the gifts I had brought them. They seemed to appreciate everything. I realized they had no beds in their TINY home so the blankets I brought will be helpful on the cold evenings. Even though I wasn't sure about sizes of clothes, all I brought can be shared with neighbors if they don't fit. Toys, bubbles, balloons, etc. will be enjoyed by the kids and neighbors. Later, Nakasi Justine gave me gifts!!!! I am p leased to say that I am the proud owner of a rooster we have named TACO!! What a beauty!! I'm sure Dottie and Precious will be confused about their new 'cousin'! Nakasi Justine had also made a beautiful mat made of reeds. I was so touched!!! Following the gift giving, I was taken on a tour of the 'backyard' where I saw the graves of her 5 children, a small garden, the goats that our sponsorship money had purchased, as well as the roof that she will fix in the future. Time was short so we had to move on to the next family, but Nakasi Justine knows that our family will be praying for her and the children and that they are now part of our lives forever. All the headaches of the previous 3 days were all worth it just to meet 'MY AFRICAN FAMILY'!!! I'll try to write again later.
Because I arrived here 3 days late, I'm considering staying longer. I have talked to John and he suggested it. I am so blessed to have such a caring family!! Derek, Carleigh and John have been such strong supporters for me during my airport ordeal. Thanks for the prayers!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL AND MISS YOU!!!!!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Stuck in the Airport
We were very surprised yesterday when we arrived to pick up our boarding pass at 7:03pm only to find that we were 3 minutes too late... There were a series of incidents through out the day that sent us on a pace of hurriedness and we turned up on the wrong end of the stick. SO thank heavens for sleep medications! We were able to sleep in a ice-cold airport because all housing accommodations were booked. But were in good spirits knowing that God even has a plan during these interruptions. All seven of us are enjoying each others company and are looking forward to ACTUALLY GETTING THERE! On the bright side we were able to walk around London for quite a while and are very fortunate to have Internet right now! Its 6am right now and we have another 14 hours left in Heathrow airport which we will try to make the best of. Continue to prayer for our safe arrival and know that we are trying to make the best of a not-so perfect predicament. Preferably my next blog will be from Nairobi, Kenya.
In the meanwhile here's a few photos from our walk around London:
In the meanwhile here's a few photos from our walk around London:
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
This is it!!! We leave for the airport in 2 hours!!! I have been a little panicky, praying that I haven't forgotten anything. There are just so many needs in Africa!! We'll only be able to meet a small number of concerns, but at least I feel like I'm doing something. I just pray now for peace in my heart. I am going to miss my family so much. I know they will be fine without me but I will miss them desperately. It's not the time element of being gone for 2 weeks, it's the distance that separates us. The kids both have expressed an interest in going to Africa sometime in the future so I'm praying that I'll be able to join them in a future mission to Uganda. After this initial trip, I am hoping to have numerous friends in Africa to return to and introduce to my kids. Many thanks to all of you who donated generously to my fundraising efforts!! This is YOUR MISSION TRIP, too!!! And thanks for your prayers. God bless each of you while I'm gone!
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