Saturday, July 12, 2008


This is my second attempt at this blog. We're in Uganda and things don't always go as smoothly as anticipated. Yesterday, we had an amazing time meeting God's people here in Kampala's neighborhoods!!! Cissy was our first stop. Many of you know her already. She is the lady who was beaten by her ex-husband and she became blind. I had the honor to present her with money that had been given to me by Trevor, Riley and Liza Buhr. Cissy kept saying 'Praise God'. She will buy healthy food for her THREE children who don't often eat well.
Our next stop was to a family of 3 children who are orphaned. Their drunken father has often threatened the children and wants to take their money from their sponsored family. They are afraid of him. The twelve year old girl is 'the head of the household' which is unconscionable to me. A very kind neighbor lady, Mary, has become their official caregiver. Mary has her own unbelievable set of circumstances and it's quite a selfless act for her to raise these children. Mary is quite 'entrepreneurial' as she makes plans to install a tank to collect water to sell for income (in addition to her tiny restaurant!!) I'm awed at these incredible women!!!
Our final visit yesterday was to an elderly woman who is also raising orphaned grandchildren. She lost her home to a severe thunderstorm last NOVEMBER and they have not be able to repair it. She is hoping for a sponsor. She is destitute but is confident God will send her the money for the repairs. She is the sole worker on this major project. Having an immediate need for nails, Dianne and I combined our money and gave it to her. Kissing and hugging like you've never seen proceeded!!! What a small gesture that was appreciated so much!!!
TODAY was amazing for me!!! We visited Namyoya and the church. We provided a clinic for the children and women which I participated in, cleaning wounds etc. But later, I decided to take our vaseline and wipe the legs and feet of the women. THEY WERE SO EXCITED!! They were lining up on the ground just waiting for me to get to them with my gloved hands. Each thanked me in their own language, except for a few who knew some English, "Thank you, mama" It was a humbling act that nearly brought me to tears as I rubbed their sore, callused, swollen, cracked dirty feet. GOD is so good!! I love these precious people so much. They are so appreciative of everything. Later, JJ and I entertained them with dance and song and we all laughed together!! I wouldn't have missed this trip for all the tea in Uganda!!!! And I wouldn't trade this mission for a sunny day on a beach in Hawai'i. It's what God has planned for me. God bless each one of you!!!!

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